Junior Beauty Contest, Junior Miss Pageant, Young Miss Beauty France naturism gallery № 7
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Kayapo - Native Indians of Eastern Brazil [Naturism Naked Tribe]
Kayapo - Native Indians of Eastern Brazil [Naturism Naked Tribe] film.
The story of one of the tribes of the Amazon, for which the concept of "civilization" means something different than others dressed people on the planet.
Few people today can not imagine that there are still people who have no idea - is such a mobile phone, computer, or car, and there are a lot of people. For example, the Kayapo tribe, which has 7,000 people and live in the Amazon jungle. Although some of the people of this nation, and gained access to the benefits of modern civilization, but the majority live as their ancestors did: subsistence minimum of clothing, the maximum harmony with nature. And they are happy!
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Legong: Dance of the Virgins 1935 [Bali India] Documentary naturism film
Legong: Dance of the Virgins 1935 [Bali India] Documentary naturism film.
The film is a guna-guna epic (Goona-goona epic) - a mixture of a film-lecture on travel, a stock footage of exotic traditions and customs and a story about love and betrayal. This is one of the last silent and one of the last films made on the basis of technolor technology, released on the screens. The film generously shows and tells the important rituals and customs of the island of Bali. And no less generously - naked female breasts (for which the film was mercilessly censored in different countries and removed from the world cinema for a long time).
At a festive day at the Tampak Temple, Siring Poutou, a temple dancer, meets Nyon and falls in love with him. It would seem that the young man reciprocates her, but here he meets her younger sister Saplak.
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Naturism Brail gallery - Lush Green Travels

Naturism Brail gallery - Lush Green Travels in good quality download.
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SONNENFREUNDE Sonderheft Nr.139 FKK Magazin about naturism
DE: Retro-Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Naturismus in Deutschland. Farb- und Schwarzweißabbildungen mit Nudisten, Artikel zum Thema Nudismus, Kommentare aktiver Abonnenten, alle Texte in deutscher Sprache, da diese Zeitschrift zum Thema Naturismus in Deutschland veröffentlicht wurde.
EN: Retro issue of the journal of naturism in Germany. Color and black-and-white illustrations with nudists, articles on nudism, comments by active subscribers, all texts in German, as this journal on naturism was published in Germany.
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Naturism photo gallery on the ship and body painting

Family naturism photo gallery on the ship and body painting, summer vacation in a group of like-minded people alone with the sea.
Galerie de photos de naturisme familial sur le bateau et le body painting, vacances d’été dans un groupe de personnes partageant les mêmes idées que la mer.
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